Sunday Club today is all about three men who would not bow down to a statue set up by King Nebuchadnezzar because they only worshipped the one true God. [Those who regularly attend Sunday Club should have received additional activity materials during the week. If you have not received them, please get in touch. You can download the various materials by clicking on the relevant pictures below.]
1 Watch the introductory video
2 Watch the video of the Fiery Furnace
3 Plasticine modelling
You will find some plasticine in your packs which you can use to make a small model (statue) of a person or an animal. Question: Why would you not bow down to this statue? To find the answer, sort out the words below: Real not is or it alive! Only worship should God we.
3 Can you find it … ?
4 For the Younger Children
Cut out the 3 men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and glue them to the black card. Glue on the 4th man. Make flames from the tissue paper and glue them to the picture. God kept them safe in the flames because they were His friends and trusted Him.
You may like to pray this prayer: Lord Jesus, I love you. Thank you for caring for me. Please be with me this week and keep me safe. Amen.
5 Shadrach Meschach and Abednego
6 Fiery Furnace Fun Sheet
7 When the going gets tough
Hopefully, this will get you thinking and ends with a prayer.