Welcome Today we see what Peter learnt from his strange vision, and from meeting Cornelius. There’s a photo quiz, a word quiz, a picture to make, and some bubble prayers. Have fun!
Please post your pictures on our WhatsApp page, so we can show them to everyone in next Sunday’s service!
Activity 1 – Photo Quiz What do you think of these people? Are they doing the right thing, or the wrong thing? Says who?! Put a tick or a cross next to each one.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
Picture 6
Activity 2 – Word quiz Do you remember Peter’s dream? Let’s see what you remember:
1. What did he see in the sheet?
2. What did God tell him to do?
3. What did he reply?
4. When the visitors arrived, what did God tell him to do?
5. What did Peter learn from this?
6. What can you learn from this?
7. What do you think Peter told Cornelius about Jesus?
(Answers at the bottom of this page)
Activity 3 – Build a bridge to explain why Jesus came. Use this diagram as an example. You can draw the picture, or build it from recycling. Whatever you like! Pin to the cross all the things that you do wrong.
Who could you introduce to Jesus so they can find God too?
Ask God who he wants you to tell. Then draw them into your picture. Ask him how to tell them. Here are some ideas:
Invite them to GoForIt online
Invite them to Sunday Club online
Draw them a picture
Make them a card
Activity 4 – Prayer time! Remember our prayer challenge? How long can you pray for?
S – say sorry to Jesus for the things you have done wrong that separated you from God. Say sorry for the times that you judged other people. T – thank Jesus for dying on a cross and taking your punishment O – ask God who else he wants you to tell about Jesus and how to tell them P – ask Jesus to help you tell others about Jesus. Ask Jesus to help you not judge other people.
Final prayer
Use your bubbles. Blow some bubbles. As they fly around, think of something you’ve done wrong and say “Sorry” to God. As they pop, know that you’re forgiven and it’s all forgotten because of Jesus’ death on the cross.
Activity 2 – Answers
Unclean animals – animals that Jews were not allowed to eat.
Get up, kill and eat the animals in the sheet
No Lord, I’ve never eaten anything you said was unclean
Go with them. (God had told Cornelius to go and get Peter, so God wanted Peter to go to Cornelius’ house)
Peter learnt that God now wanted everyone to know about Jesus, not just the Jews. He learnt that what you eat, what you look like, where you come from doesn’t matter. All that matters is whether you believe in Jesus and live the way he wants you to.
Up to you!!
I think Peter told Cornelius that all the wrong things Cornelius did separated him from God. Jesus had died on a cross to take the blame for all the wrong things, so that Cornelius could be friends with God. Jesus rose so that Cornelius could have a new life as God’s friend, and a place in heaven when he died. All Cornelius needed to do was to trust in Jesus and ask the Holy Spirit into his life to help him live the right way.