Watch the story in today's service, watch the video below and then answer the quiz questions which follow.
Activity 2 – Build a tower
Find things around the house and build the highest tower you can. See if you can get other people in the house to help you! As you build, think about why God didn’t want them to build the tower. Say sorry to God for the times you think you can live your life without Him.
Activity 3 – Make a prayer flag
What’s your favourite country? Draw their flag on one side of the paper. On the other side, write some things to pray for that country. Or draw some people from that country and pray for them. Sellotape the paper to the lolly stick. As you wave the flag, pray for that country
Activity 4 – Shout your praise!
Shout “I love Jesus” in English, Welsh and as many other languages as you know! Ask an adult to use Google translate to help you use more languages. Praise God that He understands all the languages.