This is the last, very important session with Dr Luke. Here is what we are doing today and can do all through next week, which ends next Sunday, 4th April, with Easter Day!
[Those who regularly attend Sunday Club should have received additional activity materials during the week. If you have not received them, please get in touch. You can download the various materials by clicking on the relevant pictures below or the whole set by clicking this link.]
1 Watch the video – Peter and Joanna's Story
2 Dr Luke Workbook
If you have a Dr Luke workbook, fill in Session 10. We would love for you to share what you have said on the last page of the book, if you would like to. Remember God Loves You
3 Younger Ones – Jesus is Alive! Colouring sheet to colour and decorate
3 Older Ones – The King of Love Instant Art – make into a card
4 Jesus is Alive Maze
5 Bookmarks to colour, stick onto card and give as gifts